
All posts tagged Jumpmaster

New year, new episode! Fire When Ready is back, and starting off the new year with a brief recap of Vancouver regionals, then covering Biggs Darklighter and Black Squadron. Plus, a very feisty Admiral Ackbar. Jim promises the next episode will a matter of weeks away, too, not months. Enjoy!

Fire When Ready
Fire When Ready
Episode 25: Return of the Jim-Guy

Fire When Ready returns with a big show to wrap up so I can move on to Wave 3 and 4. Objectives are wrapped up with Superior Positions and Dangerous Territory, then the last two Rogues: the HWK-290 and the Scurrg H-6. Plus a little coverage of the Vancouver, WA regional.

Fire When Ready
Fire When Ready
Episode 20: Let's Get This Done

This week, I talk about the big Gencon news, give a little addendum to last week’s Fire Lanes talk, then it’s all Jumpmasters and Fleet Ambush all the time. I also need to play more as Imperials.

Fire When Ready
Fire When Ready
Episode 16: Gencon, Jumpmasters, and Ambushed Fleets