A new episode appears, and it’s got Carrie Fisher memories, flotilla talk, and Ackbar’s got some advice for running tournaments. The visual companion for this one is at Famous People Hate Me.
Fire When Ready
Episode 21: Cause Maui Can Do Everything But Flotilla
Fire When Ready returns with a big show to wrap up so I can move on to Wave 3 and 4. Objectives are wrapped up with Superior Positions and Dangerous Territory, then the last two Rogues: the HWK-290 and the Scurrg H-6. Plus a little coverage of the Vancouver, WA regional.
Better late than never as I update you on the store league’s first week, then go on to fit in talking about the Aggressor and the YV-666, plus Intel Sweep. Don’t forget to look for the visual companion, located here.
This week, I talk about the big Gencon news, give a little addendum to last week’s Fire Lanes talk, then it’s all Jumpmasters and Fleet Ambush all the time. I also need to play more as Imperials.
Fire When Ready
Episode 16: Gencon, Jumpmasters, and Ambushed Fleets
Fire When Ready is back with a look at what’s transpired in my absence, and then a look at the Fire Lanes objective. It took a bit longer because somehow I lost the last half of the episode and had to re-record it, but it’s here now, so rejoice, listeners! See you in two weeks!
Okay, after this I’m REALLY going to go on hiatus for a month. This time I give an accounting on my regionals experience, and talk a bit on my experience with handling losing.